Legitimate Work From Home Business


Property taxes are going through the roof and loopholes allow for huge property tax reductions resulting in thousands of dollars of potential savings to homeowners. Property tax reduction consulting is a legitimate home based business.

There are hundreds of home businesses. A business that specializes in homeowner property tax reduction is one of the few businesses that will prosper in good times and even better in bad times. And when assessments are out of whack, appeal that property tax! Fill out the from on the right to receive a FREE complete e-Book that will explain this business in much greater detail.

You get paid when you win a property tax reduction for a client. If you save your client $2,000, you get paid $2,000 generally over 2 or 3 years, however you set the terms. And winning is easy. This is a legitimate home based business.

Government statistics show the state and local government hiring has accelerated in the last 12 months. Meanwhile private firms have slashing staff. Despite the economic slowdown the public-sector jobs gains have actually sped up. Increased property taxes will likely pay the price.

State and local governments are in a budget crisis. You wouldn't know it when you looked at the payrolls. 338,000 new jobs have been created in the past 12 months. That's far more than the 195,000 jobs in the 12 prior months.

With the fall in real estate prices, it pays to scan the horizon to see if a potential clients home valuation compares to the assessed price the tax assessor placed on it. All one needs to do compare recently sold homes.

The National Taxpayers Union writes that as many as 60% of all homeowners are over-assessed and not in line with their home value. ("How To Fight Property Taxes" 2004 p.1) http://www.ntu.org/

The value of residential real estate is estimated by comparing the subject with similar properties that have been sold recently. Look at your neighborhood to find comparable sales or properties in similar neighborhoods that share similar characteristics of lifestyles, income level of residents, surroundings, average age and value of house.

You want to tell your client that if officials want to make an interior inspection, let them.

In Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, an article appeared Taxation - Real estate - Abatement - Interior inspection Published: August 25, 2008 where they judged in favor of the Appellate Tax Board “ Where a taxpayer refused to allow an interior inspection of his home, the Appellate Tax Board acted permissibly in refusing his abatement request. ”

Although this happened in Massachusetts, it's a good idea to cooperate with the tax assessor. It makes no difference what the tax assessor finds. What counts is market value. The way to reduce your clients property tax is through comparing recently sold homes.

Legitimate Home Based Business

With recent decreases in comparable home, the business of real estate property tax consulting is a very lucrative proposition indeed! From all the home businesses available, this is one of the best.

Don't forget, Get the complete picture: Fill out the form on the upper right for a Free e-Book that gives full details on this Property Tax Consulting Legitimate Home Based Business Opportunity.

Legitimate Work From Home Business


Legitimate Work From Home Business


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