Work At Home Business Opportunity

In the world of work at home business opportunities, there are many areas that might meet one's interest. Many of the higher paying opportunities need some education and practical training to become adept. Another avenue for self-employment are home based businesses and franchise opportunities. See:

There are a number of home businesses where one advertises, or by some means, obtains a client and then produces results for that client. Whereupon getting that desired result, that entrepreneur is compensated. This works out well since the training is more than paid for by the commission or contingency fee. Put in your email on the form to the right side and get a complete picture of this remarkable business.

Property tax consulting is a business that few know about. In this business, getting the first client and working through the training course while obtaining a winning appeal for that client is encouraged. Not only does one learn better from hands on experience, but with profession instruction as a guide, the client is severed with the very best appeal maximizing their dollar return. It's a win for everyone.

You might ask, what is the demand for this business? Tax assessment is fraught with errors. There is about a 50/50 chance that someone is over-taxed. Even the National Taxpayers Union writes that as many as 60% of all homeowners are over-assessed and not in line with their home value. ("How To Fight Property Taxes" 2004 p.1

This applies not only to homeowners, but also to businesses. Businesses valuations are based on the income they generate. If tenants are lost, that business's property taxes need to be adjusted downward. If someone doesn't step up to the plate and submit the proper paperwork, nothing will be done to lower the property tax. They could be over-paying year after year.

To complicate the process of fairness, blanket reassessments for an area are done on a bid basis. It might be done every 3 or 8 or 15 years, depending on the municipality. The low cost bidder wins. The broker who won the bid the blanket reassessment hires many part-time helpers to cover the revaluation for the area he contracted for. Not much time can be spent on each valuation and errors result. Often, previous values are just rolled over with a fudge factor.

A Work From Home Consulting Business

With a little training one can spot many likely subject where there are likely over-paying their property taxes. As mentioned previously, if one does not appeal their property tax, nothing will be done to correct the error. That owner will be fleeced for thousands of dollars that they did not deserve.

Finding client is not difficult. This is a business one can work from home. One can choose to charge a small fee for doing an evaluation and if one continues with the case, there is a sizable contingency reward. This work at home opportunity has an even greater reward in knowing that you helped right a wrong and made someone richer in the process.

Don't forget, put in your email on the form to the upper right side and get a complete picture of this remarkable business in the FREE e-Book.


Work At Home Business Opportunity

Work From Home Business Opportunity 


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