Earn 50% Commissions for a service that every homeowner
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is $179 results in about 80% of the purchases.
Products Summary
Property Tax Appeals For Residtential
and Businesses PLUS a Consulting Business Course: An evergreen consulting business that needs consultants given 40%
-60%+ assessment error rates in the US!
When yearly property tax assessment notices hit mailboxes one can make a
lot of money and appealed over and over again.
Main Product (Course) $139 Residential Property Tax Appeal Course
Upsell #1= $40 extra for the $179 Residential and Commercial Property Tax Appeal Course
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In case you want to target certain states prior to issuance of valuation notification, download this Excel file: Property Tax Appeal Dates for States: http://propertytaxconsult.com/statedates.xlsx
No Charge PDF's are located in our 1st Email
Follow Up Emails
1st Email
Subject Line: Free Property Tax Appeal
Opportunity Report & Category Adjustment Worksheet🙂
Hello and G'day,
Thanks for ordering your Property Tax
Appeal Consulting Business Opportunity FREE E-Book Report PLUS
Adjustment Category Worksheet!
For the Property Tax Appeal &
Consulting Report Download here:
For the Adjustment Categories
Form Download here:
Talk soon, George, your Property Tax
Consulting Home Business assistant
2nd Email
Subject Line: You're Welcome. What the best appraisal doesn't look like
Hello and G'day,
Two things everyone want to escape from: early death and
taxes. Our game is property taxes.
Thanks for ordering your Property Tax Consulting Business
Opportunity FREE Report!
Again, you can download it here:
Welcome to the world of property tax consultants!
A quick overview. This is not an over crowded profession
like insurance,mortgage brokers, financial planners, real estate
agents and such. This is not a hard sell barraging potential
customers with offers. Clients REALLY NEED and want you!
Draw a 25-mile circle around where you live. Almost guaranteed
that you can not reach all the clients that need this kind of service.
Likely, potential clients don't know that a property tax
consultant even exists. And yet, many SUSPECT they have a need
for an overview on their property taxes!
Most towns do a blanket reassessment of properties within
their borders every 5 to 15 years. The timeframe varies from
community to community.
The lowest contract bid wins. Where a normal appraisal
costs hundreds , this low cost broad sweeping appraisal
might cost $20 per house.
A low-priced bid contractor has to be quick and
is on a time budget. Often at the office, they copy and
paste previous information with a multiplier.
At any rate, erroneous information often filter in to save time.
Assessments are not a well researched analysis of the facts.
It is not the same as a bona fide appraisal costing hundreds
of dollars. This is a "rush job."
MANY are over-assessed in the process.
Property Tax Appeal Consulting Business Course: An evergreen
consulting business that needs consultants given 40% + assessment
error rates! When yearly property tax assessment notices hit mailboxes,
for 2 months a year you can make a lot of money.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Get Started Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Roller coaster REAL ESTATE PRICES result in many
inequities and a lot of potential clients NEED help.
Many towns would go broke if they did a blanket reassessment
every year. So if a home was priced by a blanket assessment
at the TOP of the real estate market and now the market value
has plummeted ... do you think there might be a case for appeal?
What is nice about this business is that good comparables are
EVERYWHERE. There rarely is a problem finding GOOD
EVIDENCE to determine value. Are you looking for a business
opportunity where clients are plentiful?
With contingency RESIDENTAL fees equal to the tax saving you
win for the customer, each case won is usually worth
a thousand dollars or more. COMMERCIAL appeals are worth
much, much more!
Yes, this is a good business. You win, the client wins .
To further review Property Tax Consulting Residential and Commercial
Business Package, copy and paste into your browser:
Best regards,
Your Property Tax Consulting Home Business assistant
Property Tax Consulting Home Business
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.— P.J. O'Rourke
3rd and 4th Follow Up Email
3rd Email
Subject Line: Checking in
I just wanted to see if you had the time to go through the free product I sent. What do you think? Let me know. I want to hear back from you.
Just in case you didn't get it you can Download it here:
or the Adjustment Categories Form
Download here:
mentioned previously, one can save themselves a lot of money by
initiating a property tax appeal for themselves and the property that
they own. Also, helping others reduce their overhead living expense
can make a lot of contingency commissions with property tax appeal
consulting. It's a win, win for everyone.
Considering your timetable, you might need the
course right now to prepare.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In case your want to work as a over-assessment savior in your local
Property Tax Consulting Course
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Best regards,
Your Property Tax Consulting Home Business assistan
"In education, they say either property taxes have to go up, or we'll have poor education - that's a false choice"
- Scott Walker
4th Email
Subject Line: If economic turmoil shows signs
Hi and G'day,
Hi, when most business
prospects look depressed and down in the dumps, there is one side
business to get into that you could count on: appealing commercial
businesses property taxes. Appeal is urgent otherwise that property tax
does not change!
like residential properties, if one doesn’t appeal nothing changes.
Unlike residential real estate, which is based on a
Value Method
approach (and experts tell us 40%+ are over-assessed), business
properties are assessed using an
Approach. Lot's of businesses incomes have been devastated. Depending
on the overall net, your contingency fees can be huge.
So, if a multi-family
apartment has fewer renters paying their rent, a strip mall with few
tenants, a gym, bar or restaurant with fewer customer, etc, therefore
because of less income for a given business, appeal is urgent otherwise
the property tax doesn't change! Few business owners are familiar
with this appeal process and unless you’re a huge business, there is
little competition and few will be knocking on their doors as Property
Tax Consultants. Many will be caught by their short hairs when they
don’t appeal.
Unless this pandemic and
the coming depression comes to an end, there will be an opportunity to
help those caught in this dilemma. As a needed work from home business,
one can reach out to those businesses that are economically suffering
and ease their financial burden. It’s a win, win for everyone and you’re
rewarded with a contingency commissions for your service.
Also, consider the
residential area. Property taxes are ever increasing and localities
are of a lock-down mentality when it comes to conducting an expensive
blanket reappraisal for their neighborhoods. It’s easier and cheaper to
roll-over the previous years’ assessment. Judging from overall lagging
assessment practices, you’ll find more than enough over-assessed
residential homes to appeal considering the 40%+ over-assessment rate.
See proof for that stat here: http://www.propertytaxconsult.com/index2.htm
With businesses, because of
the corona virus event that acts like a catalyst knocking down
valuations, there will be many obvious cases for reassessment. Again,
property tax consultants are few and property tax system requires appeal
otherwise change will not show its face.
As far as the methods for
determining value and furnishing reliable evidence to support those
conclusions, that’s what the course is all about.
George from
the MUST-READ Property Tax Appeal
Course for 2020! Appeal For Yourself And/Or
Earn High Contingency Fees From Your Clients
http://propertytaxconsult.com for the full story and complete your
Property Tax Appeal Course for Residential And Business Property Tax
Appeals onYour Property Tax Consulting Home Business assistant
"I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." — Winston Churchill |
5th and 6th Follow Up Email - Property Tax Consult
5th Email
Subject Line: Property Tax Over-Assessed Advocate
Hi and G'day,
While some were happy to see the value
of their property value going up, others are ANGRY that their taxes
are going up. Many won't be able to keep up with the mounting taxes
and stay in their homes.
The big fly in the ointment is that
government is getting BIGGER and property taxes are increasing.
AND, the fact is that many
homes are over-assessed. Many of these home have been
over-paying their fair share of property taxes for
The National Taxpayers Union
is credited as saying that as much as 50% of all property in America
is over assessed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - This Business of, HELP THE OVER-ASSESSED! Get
Started Here or copy and paste into your browser:
http://propertytaxconsult.com/package/index.html - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Often, tax assessors simply roll over
erroneous data (rolling old rates when recalculating a new
assessment). Their department don't have the stamina or desire to
inspect properties. Often they simply roll over previous
Besides lowering your own property
taxes, consider doing it for others too. Property Tax Consulting is a
business like many other business, however there is very little
selling involved. Unlike most businesses, this audience
has a pressing need to look into their situations. Who
wants to be victimized by the tax assessor relying on erroneous data.
There's a lot of sloppy work going
around. If values are not scrutinized, it's easy for a homeowner or
business to get hosed. After all, the fox rules and the hen house
here are home owners.
This fox is more concerned with
preserving the aggregate tax base.
The Property Tax Consultant comes to
the RESCUE by being an affordable, knowledgeable, consumer advocate.
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A service that
every homeowner desperately could use: a Property Tax
Assessment Review Service. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Many taxpayers have the impression that
their assessment is fair if it is below the current fair market
value. However, what we really are looking for is
The fact is that property should be
valued EQUITABLY with similar type property within the same taxing
jurisdiction. If a taxpayer's property is assessed at 95% of fair
market value and, in the rest of the jurisdiction, similar properties
are assessed at 75% of fair market value, what's fair about that?
Tax appeals SAVE homeowners
from unfair assessments. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES use a
different model for assessing taxes, called the Income Method and
have need for assessment review.
Anytime you spot a strip mall or
business lacking tenant rentals, you see a serious case for a
commercial property tax appeal.
To further review Property Tax
Consulting Residential and Commercial Business Package, copy and
paste into your browser:
Best regards,
Your Property Tax Consulting Home
Business assistant
************ This satisfying
business results in reducing property tax overcharges for clients.
Your contingency for residential appeals can be equal to your clients
tax win which usually amounts to a thousand or more per won case in
the more expensive neighborhoods. Commercial appeals settle
for much more.
You'll likely earn back about 5 X+ your
investment in the course on your first case win. You are encouraged to
take on a few clients as you go through the course. This way you
apply what you learn in real cases.
Odds of winning in the
beginning 75-80% (you might make some mistakes) After a few cases
your winning odds should be in the 90% + range.
To Get Started with the Property Tax
Consulting Home Business Course
Paste into your browser:
Consulting, an affordable,
knowledgeable, consumer advocate business.
"Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery." - Calvin Coolidge ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6th Email:
Subject Line: 7 things you probably don't know about property tax calculations
Hello and G'day,
Property record card calculations are often inaccurate
because of human error in data collection and because
of copying mistakes. Make certain that lot and home
dimensions are correct.
Often the square footage of a garage, attached storage
area, sunroom or porch is erroneously included in the
total living space square footage calculations.
Living space is taxed at a substantially higher rate than
unheated, non-living space.
Even a simple 2-foot error in recording the dimensions
of a 2-story house could result in a 10% OVERCHARGE.
For example:
a two-story raised ranch was inaccurately measured 22' x 45'
when it should have measured 20' x 45'.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A service that every homeowner desperately needs
....a Property Tax Assessment Review Service.
Get Started Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Course
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Uneven terrain or obstacles like oil tanks or bushes
increase the likelihood of sloppy measurements . Often it
is much simpler for the tax collector to carry forward
measurements from other previously collected data.
How often have I seen porches included it the square
foot count, or unheated space like a garage, shed, enclosed
porch, sunrooms, patio areas ... in the count. Unless
someone like you uncovers it and points it out in an appeal,
these taxpayers will get hosed forever.
Other Common Errors
Countless taxpayers have been over paying taxes for
years because of wrong calculations. It could eve be a
failure for the tax assessor to make adjustments for the
condition of the house, depreciation for roofs, cracked
foundation, and other general conditions , location adjustments ,
functional adjustments, then there is age differences with
comparables and a host of other potential areas for
Property record cards can be found at the municipal tax
assessor's office or online. Comparable can be found online
or from real estate offices recently sold homes section.
More information on service that every homeowner desperately needs ....
a Property Tax Assessment Review Service. A complete course in
how to begin and prosper in the Property Tax Consulting Business.
More Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Course or copy
and paste into your browser:
Me, your Property Tax Consulting Home Business assistant
"In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as
possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other."— Voltaire (1764)
7th Follow Up Email - Like the lone ranger
Subject Line: The plot thins
Hello and G'day,
Without the help or a Property Tax Consultant,
if a homeowner thought they have a case,
they'd have to go it alone. The municipality will
not hold their hand or coach them to win. Fact is,
they want them to loose.
The simple fact of saving some of your client's hard
earned money to prevent it from being siphoned off
because of an unjust tax assessment might be enough
to spur you on.
Much of the reason I wrote this course is so the average guy
would have a chance at winning tax appeals for others and
help the victims of erroneous assessments.
More likely than not, the tax assessor will cherry pick to
make your clients assessment more expensive. They'll likely
pick the most expensive house in the neighborhood as the
comparable to base his valuation estimate on.
They have their bias.
Get Started Here: http://propertytaxconsult.com/package/index.html
What you are looking for are homes that sold within the time
frame you are appealing. First locate homes that are similar
in style and square footage. Naturally, your bias is the
lower priced, similar sold homes.
Our coarse material shows you how to make the proper monetary
adjustments to make a viable market value conclusion for factors
the blanket assessors overlooked. Our course will give you the needed
facts to make your case stand up under scrutiny.
When you consider the potential savings over the years and the fact
that between 40 to 60 percent of the homes are over-assessed, we want
to make it easy for you the get started.
Consumer Reports has published that property tax records show an
error rate of 40% exists in estimating property taxes.
(Nov.1992 v57 nil p.723)
The National Taxpayers Union writes that as many as 60% of all
homeowners are over-assessed and not in line with their true
home value. ("How To Fight Property Taxes" 2004 p.1)
You'll have the knowledge at your fingertips and you'll have a
virtual property tax expert at your side. You just won't find this
info any place else. We'll give you excellent marketing advice
forms, letters, every thing you need to get your business off
to a running start.
The highly profitable Property Tax Consulting business explores
reducing property taxes and overcharges for clients. Your
contingency fee is normally equal to your clients tax win
translating most of the time to thousands per case.
Again, in the beginning you should win 75-85% of your clients appeals
and closer to 90% to 99% as you get a feel for this business. If you
loose a case you can re appeal it until you get a satisfied
result. And then there is next year for another fresh start.
In order to get your Property Tax Consulting
Home Business Package, copy and paste into your browser:
Your Property Tax Consulting Home Business assistant
Get Started Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Course
or Paste into your browser:
"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!" — Pericles (430 BC)
8th Follow Up Email - Property Tax Consulting ->> Keep em blind mentality
Subject Line: Straight Shooters?
Hello and G'day,
Did you know that over 95% of people have no idea how to
determine if they are being overcharged on their real estate
property taxes. You'd think that people would have some
kind of handle on that, but don't bet the farm on it.
There's a lot of opportunity here to help out.
The property taxing authorities do not want ANYONE to get
too curious about the value they place on a house
and property. That would only create extra work for them.
They don't want anyone to appeal their taxes either. The
tax assessor is usually a political appointment and does
not go out of his way to encourage extra work for himself.
And since less than two percent of the population appeal
their taxes in most parts, why should they bother to
rock the boat?
Beside, your town does not have the extra money, time or
manpower to establish accurate assessment figures. They'll
hire a mass appraisal company who does the revaluation
likity-split cheaply.
The fact is, your client has to check for overcharges for
themselves. One of the single, greatest savings at a client's
disposal today is the potential savings on their property
tax bill. If you don't help them challenge it, chances are that
they will pay extra year after year.
Get Started Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Course ***********************************************
Take, for example , Sheikm. His property was located such
that when cars approached his home, the headlights would
shine through his living room.
It was a nuisance. Granted you couldn't see too much with the
curtains drawn, nevertheless he was able to lob off and
extra 6% for his T-Lot intersection situation. That, and
other comparable adjustments lead to a 20.3% reduction in
his property tax, saving him thousands each year.
Our easy to use, step by step Property Tax Consulting
Home Business coarse will show you how to demonstrate to
prospects how much they will save in all kinds of adjustment
areas. It WILL give you all the AMMUNITION need to go all the way and win.
Over the course of time, property tax savings are substantial!
Even a thousand dollars over-charge is substantial when
compounded over ten or more years. And there are many
property owners today who ARE VICTIMS! Sadly, they remain so
without intervention. Most don't do anything about their dilema.
If you buy our complete course, you'll have the confidence
and know how that your numbers will stand scrutiny. You'll cut
preparation time and learn the marketing skills needed to succeed.
It's a positive and satisfying business to reduce property tax overcharges
for clients .
Get Started Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Course
or Paste into your browser: http://propertytaxconsult.com/package/index.html
Best regards,
Your Property Tax Consulting Home Business assistant
Would a people's advocate like Ralph Nader just let the tax man violate
them? Repeatedly doing nothing or help them from getting repeatedly hosed?
Apply proven and approved methods to getting property taxes reduced
to an under served market. Virtually no competition . Some might say it's
like shooting ducks at a carnival side show and ... there's no end to potential
customers that need this kind of service.
"Taxation with representation ain't so hot either." - Gerald Barzan |
9th Email Message - Property Tax Consulting
Subject Line: Quick work produces errors
Hello and G'day,
Consulting, an affordable, knowledgeable, consumer
advocate business .
Each municipality hires some firm to conduct a blanket
reassessment. The lowest bid wins. The tax assessor
working for your municipality then relies on this opinion.
A low-priced bid contractor for a blanket reassessment
can not uncover and see all things. He's got to be quick and
is on a time budget. Often at the office they copy and
pasted erroneous information to save time. It is not a
well researched analysis of the facts. It's a "rush job."
The authorities won't tell you it's a rush job estimate. They
leave you with an impression that the figure they arrived at is
the real deal. It is - if you take their word for it; a
real appraisal cost hundreds of dollars in my state, they
might of paid only twenty dollars for theirs.
Real estate property assessments rely on blanket
assessments. These values are quickly arrived
at values. Errors occur. As we keep on repeating:
Consumer Reports says an error rate of 40% exists.
The National Taxpayers Union put that figure closer to 60%.
Get Started Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Course ***********************************************
When you do some homework you have an edge . When your prospect
receives a notice they have only a time frame to submit evidence and
prepare an appeal.
As a tax consultant you need only apply that information in the
valuation categories that apply to your client's situation.
We provide you with reliable training, dollar guidelines,
percentages and submission information to lean against and use.
Our coarse guides you with easy step by step info, shows you what to do,
shortcuts the learning curve and allows you to plug in viable facts
and figures. As mentioned before, you need only plug in the facts
and figures for those categories that apply to your clients situation.
No need to read everything, just apply what pertains to a particular situation.
This way you learn as you go and develop your case quick. You just have to
apply those parameters that apply to your clients specific situation.
Your client bypasses expensive appraisers and attorneys and saves
overpaying taxes. You save the client money and you get paid for your
effort. It's that simple.
Get Started Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Course
or Paste into your browser: http://propertytaxconsult.com/package/index.html
Best regards,
Me, your Property Tax Consulting Home Business assistant
* * Discover and work the highly lucrative field of Tax Consulting that
NEVER lets property assessments get out of line with what clients
should be paying. Imagine a Property Tax Consulting Home Business
Coarse helping homeowners and businesses lower their property taxes
and getting large contingency fees in the process.
It's that simple. Is this a hot business?
You bet it is.
Paste into your browser: http://propertytaxconsult.com/package/index.html
Consulting, an affordable, knowledgeable, consumer advocate business.
"The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to get the most feathers with the least hissing."
- Jean Baptist Colbert |
10th Email Message - Property tax consulting
Subject Line: Don't worry, we saved the client again
Hello and G'day,
Something I didn't talk about: the possibility of re-appealing
taxes on the same home for the same client.
The base assessments are often wrong and with the compounding of
the downward trend in home values, there are more comparables
displaying lower market values. These lower market values become
slam dunk opportunity for lowering a prospects taxes.
Case in point.
Eight years ago I did an appeal and won a 25% reduction for a
client. Years later the township did a blanket re-evaluation. I
appealed the same property taxes and won a 20% reduction.
The next year, with the same client, I'm going to appeal the tax
assessment again. So far I am looking at another 20% to 25%
What I am saying is this, it is not just a one shot deal. PLUS think
referrals that come your way. It is a never ending stream
of future business.
To your success!
Get Started Here: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Course *********************************************** or Paste into your browser: http://propertytaxconsult.com/package/index.html
Earn back about 5 X your investment in the course on your first case win.
Odds of winning in the beginning 75-80% (you might make some mistakes)
After a few cases your odds should approach the 90% - 98%range.
"Beware of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors ... and miss". - Robert Heinlein
This is not an over crowded profession like insurance,mortgage brokers, financial planners, real estate agents and such barraging potential customers with offers.
Read the E-Book report for a better in-depth overview for this rare, little known business opportunity.
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