Real Estate Market Valuation and Property Tax Appeal Course for Residential and Business Real Estate
property tax business
business property tax

Do-It-Yourself Real Estate Appraisal & Property Tax Appeal Training Course

Lowering Your or a Client's Property Tax!
Also Is A Highly Rewarding Residential, Commercial, Industrial Property Tax Consulting Business
In A Multi-Trillion Dollar Industry

Property Tax Consultant Course = Significant Savings for Homes and Businesses

Property Tax Consultant
Tax Assessor
Verified Multiple Listing Service Sold Evidence ( comparable features, concessions, dates and accurate sold valuation) photocopy evidence, meaningful market value comparisons.
Back Up Evidence Rules For Deriving Accurate Sound Logic for an Opinion of Value Referenced Appraisal Institute Conclusions (hands-on information written by leading appraisal practitioners in Appraisal Journal and others respected sources ).
Physically Inspect (as appropriate) and Analyze Comparable Properties For Comparative Market Value Differences
Adjustment Spread Sheet for all Relevant Adjustment Categories. Item-by-item view of evidence including a narrative citing evidence and basis for the value conclusion.
Pro-active To Help Lower Property Tax Over-Assessed Homeowners and Businesses

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Property Tax Appeal Course   

 Using Correct Real Estate Market Valuation for residential and commercial businesses need to correct egregious over-assessed properties and tax overpayments due to faulty municipal assessments.

     Why such large over-assessment errors? An accurate market valuation home appraisal costs $300 to $450. Municipalities lack the funding to conduct expensive blanket reassessments for their territories. The time spent per assessment is minimal. Very often previous assessments are simply rolled over. Because everyone needs help, use our 5 step process for presenting an accurate market valuation for your or a clients home.

    Help others not to over-pay, just pay the proper property tax assessment that they should be charged. Your future clients are being squeezed enough, they should NOT overpay! Experts tell us that over-assessed properties excesses range from 30%, 40% to 60% (click underlined for verification).

     You will be able to give near-certainty guidance to clients in order to pay exactly what they should be charged, NOT OVER-PAY! It's step-by-step and you are encouraged to take on cases from the very beginning so you'll earn as you apply those specific adjustments to a particular client.

     With easy to understand training, you will be able to help clients lower their tax and set their record straight. In the process of helping the client, you earn sizable commissions. Good news:clients are easy to find!

Homeowner's (and businesses) when they get their tax bill are often taken back by the amount charged! The fact is: Most DON'T KNOW that they are over-charged!

The over-assessed desperately need a Property Tax Assessment Review Service that has their back!

     This is a rather rare, under-the-radar small business consultancy opportunity that sorely lacks practitioners. Earning potential can be sky-high. Clients are everywhere. You'll find that there is virtually little to no competition in most local area. It is an ever-green unique business and it's recession proof!

     It helps customers who have a tax-reduction case shave-off serious amount of money off their tax bill. Any client who is suspicious of their property tax welcomes your help.

If the property is over-assessed, your property tax reduction procedures help bring about deserved tax breaks that are placed back into the account of that customer. You emerge the hero and earn an professionals income as a reward.

Evaluate the Residential and Commercial Property Tax Reduction Business and Earn Fees with Your First Client

A growing numbers of homeowners and businesses will doubt the accuracy of their assessments and desire to appeal their property taxes!

Again, competition is virtually nil; there are more potential customers than you could possibly handle. You earn a high contingency fee as a result of winning. You get to help a potential homeowner or business reducing his/hers/their property tax.

Rectify a tax injustice and give the customer the property tax break they deserve. In turn, you are rewarded out of that tax reduction by way of a contingency fee that can carry over into subsequent years. Besides feeling great about helping others, this is highly lucrative.

This contingency carryover means you're rewarded multiple times for the same hours of work. Besides getting rewarded monetarily, you will enjoy helping your client out of an unfair assessment jam. Check out the process!

Package #1 (included in course)
Pre-written, ready to use
PRESENTATION FORMAT for every property tax appeal
(a $19 Value)

Extremely Useful Free house appraisal and property tax appeal forms. The forms are PDF downloadable and provide a generic template to organize your information in an acceptable format so you can present your evidence in good style. It is similar to that used by licensed real estate appraisers.  You'll be given the password to access this information shortly after your order.

Package #2 (included in course)
Pre-written, ready to use

All the pre-written forms, letters, customer contracts you'll
ever need to do business ($
599 + Value)

Invaluable Sample Fee Agreement Forms, Fill In Fee Agreement Form, Sample Advisor/Agency Authorization Form, Fill In Advisor/Agency Authorization Forms, Residential Solicitation Letters, Signed Contract Transmittal Letters, Thank You For Choosing Our Company Letters, Limited Power of Attorney Form, We Have Filed Your Appeal Letters, Invoice Form For Services Rendered, Enclosed Is Your Invoice Letters, Past Due Notice Letters ....

Package #3 (included in course)
Pre-written, ready to use

Property Tax Consultant Insiders Marketing Plan ($500 + Value)

Invaluable This is the ins and outs for making this business work. All the methods, advice and tactics you'll need to fast-track this business. You learn how to set up your business and learn how to go about marketing your business to a huge population of potential clients.

Package #4 (included in course)
Pre-written, ready to use

Updates for life ($297 + Value)

Invaluable  Keep yourself updated with the latest research and property tax appeal advice for life.

Package #5 (included in course)
Pre-written, ready to use

Persuasion Tactics & Persuasive Salescopy Ebook 110 Pages ...

($157 + Value)

Useful You can get your hands on all of this value, the product itself, the guarantee that you'll be ecstatic with the result, and my personal assurance of help with your business if you need it, plus if things don't work out, the risk is all mine. How much are we talking here?

Not $500, not $300, not even $200, but included with our product, you can get your hands on the whole package. Just think what having the same insider info and expertise could do for you. (click business tactics, persuasive for more detailed information)


Package #6 (included in course)
Pre-written, ready to use

Persuasion Sales Letters & Copywriting Course 136 Pages ...
  ($97 + Value)

Useful The Power Of Words Can Make You Rich. If you can't persuade people to buy your products, you're going nowhere. Ever think that maybe that missing piece is knowing how to write persuasive copy to your customers? Could the only thing standing between you and a much larger success be just good marketing copy? (click business sales letters and copy writing for more detailed information)


Gain Unlimited Clients - Earn Unlimited Fees!

home based business opportunities


Property Tax Consultant Residential & Commercial Courses
Fast-Track Business Implementation Plan

Gain Access To Complete Courses for Real Estate Appraisal For Residential & Commercial Property Tax Appeal: Property Tax Consulting Course

property tax consulting business

**Detailed Business E-Book**
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FREE Property Tax Consultant Course & Business Plan
**Detailed Start Up Business E-Book**

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It’s good to keep friendly relations with the tax assessor since one can re-appeal their case as often as is necessary with new evidence any time during the year and win. That case can be a residential or commercial property tax appeal.


Prepare for those months. EXTREMELY PROFITABLE since few if any property tax consultant specialists likely work within your zip code.

Tax Consultant Course a Fast-Track Business Implementation Plan

Gain Access To The Complete Course: Property Tax Consulting Courseproperty tax consulting

property tax appeal

 30%, 40% to 60% (click underlined for verification)

100% beginner friendly - no tech skills or experience needed.

Bank 4 figures in contingency commissions per appeal even if you've NEVER made a dime consulting.

The easiest & FASTEST way to earn contingency commissions helping the over-assessed.

EARN as you learn property tax appeal consulting.

Set your own contingency fees.

Get Full-Access to a foolproof turnkey system on how to Successfully Appeal Property Taxes and cash into the money almost every single time you take on a client.

Taking the Property Tax Consultant Business Course will help you learn how to dominate an industry With Little to No Competition.

Discover how to earn large contingency fees, even one-time equalization processing fees from prospects and get Multi-Referrals.

Earning LARGE FINANCIAL REWARDS learning as you go by a step-by-step process & building a Property Tax Review Business.

Earning likely a few thousand dollars on each prospect by simply engaging on their behalf in a property tax appeal.

  • Remarkable earning potential
  • Full or part-time business opportunity
  • Superior marketing material
  • Unlimited & highly targeted leads easy to obtain
  • No specific industry experience necessary
  • Nationwide opportunities

Customer Reviews:

I graducated with a degree in Real Estate (Eastern Michigan University) and this course was a great Real Estate Appraisal course, better than in College.

Thanks. Paul S


Purchased your Property Tax Consultant course last year and just as you predicted we are well in our way to a healthy six figure income. My partner and I created a CRM application (JASO)- to process  our pipeline in a seamless fashion (from client intake to productivity analysis) – this databases has been key to us in touching base with our customers on a timely manner as well as organizing every facet of our business - we see the value that JASO has been for us  and recognize  how valuable this could be for other Property Tax Consultants alike.

Currently the application is tailored for Florida however we are updating and customizing the CRM application to be relevant nationwide. We would love to market our product to your distribution list; if we could speak more in depth on the topic, I believe we can come to an understanding that is worthwhile for all parties involved, I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a wonderful day and a pleasant weekend.

Sincerely, Michelle M


I feel like you are providing a valuable service to homeowners across America.  Assessors all over the country raised property taxes in the boom years and are now loathe to reduce them.  Every thinking homeowner should look closely at their taxes, apathy can cost them allot of money.

Pat F
Gilbert Az

real estate property tax

What is a Property Tax Appeal Course?

This property tax appeal course is designed to teach homeowners, real estate professionals, and aspiring consultants the skills and techniques necessary to deliver accurate real estate market value and contest over-assessed property tax assessments. This course covers all valuation methods, local property tax laws, and the appeal processes. Participants will learn to spot errors in assessments and apply data-driven analysis to support their appeals. With these skills, you can not only lower your own tax bill but actually help others reduce their property tax burden as well.

Key Components of a Property Tax Appeal Course

Our property tax appeal course is structured to provide comprehensive knowledge, including:

•  Understanding Property Assessments : Learn how blanket property assessment proceedures value properties and common errors that may lead to overvaluation.

•  Appeal Process : Step-by-step guidance on filing appeals, submitting evidence, and negotiating with tax authorities.

•  Valuation Techniques : How to analyze property data, perform comparative market analyses, and identify valuation discrepancies.

•  Legal Framework : Overview of local and state property tax laws that impact assessments and appeals.

People reluctantly shell out over $1,000's of dollars for attorneys and professional property tax appraisers to represent them in order to appeal their property tax with no guarantee of success or winning. A property tax consultant is a life saver! It costs the client almost nothing to assess their options.

Fees are charged on a contingency basis, which means, if you lose the case, the client risks nothing. Since there is no risk to the client or homeowner, they want your service. Finding potential clients is mind-blowing simple. Some charge an up-front consultation fee. Many do.

Basically, the real estate appraisal system is rife with errors. Valuations are constantly in flux and the tax assessors office rarely does personal valuation visits. They leave it to other blanket assessor services. This is just the tip of the iceberg and it opens the door for a business opportunity that really helps others in a meaningful way.

When a valuation for an jurisdiction is required, the town sets out on a public bid and generally the lowest bidding property valuation broker wins. You can bet your bottom dollar that the broker who won the bid needs to make a profit.

Little time and money is allocated on a per unit basis for the appraisal. Sometimes a raw crew is doing the work. There are time restraints on his crew in order for the mass evaluations broker to earn his profit. Errors are rampant. Therefore a dire need for appealing over-assessment errors.

Helping homeowners as well as commercial accounts lower their property tax is a legitimate business that generates financial rewards.

In this day and age, those who can use some extra income can work this service as a work-from-home based business or an add on part-time business.

Since there is no free lunch, it can be worked in conjunction with another income stream such as the mortgage brokerage trade, real estate, insurance and similar consulting industries. It can be worked during slow times or just to do something challenging and different to help turn the table by helping correct regulatory errors.

Residential Property Tax Appeal School

Residential property tax appeal opportunities abound. You'll find you'll never run short of finding bad assessments to correct not to mention those referrals looking to reduce their property tax over assessment.

Expert studies indicate that the percentage of assessment error exist is high.
It's clear as a bell that you'll never lack clients.

As long as property taxes are levied and that real estate market valuations fluctuate, you'll find an over-abundance of cases where the assessment valuation against a homeowner is flat out wrong. Championing that tax appeal is an opportunity to be of great service.

The bigger the tax bill, the greater the reward.

Commercial Property Tax Assessment Training

The commercial side of the business deals with larger properties and, needless to say, larger commissions. Commercial valuations are based on an Income Approach. If they earn less net income than the previous year, their property tax assessment should be less. You'll learn about the opportunities that exist in this area of specialization.

Strip malls lacking tenants may need to appeal an old assessment. Apartment house and complexes vacancies, many small to medium businesses that might be suffering could file appeals when the facts warrant. Again, a business valuation is based not on a Market Value Approach but on an Income Approach.

Fact is, unlike residential properties which use a comparable property approach, a commercial property valuation is made on an income basis. And guess what? If cash flow to the commercial property is lacking business or tenants, you might have found a client who could use significant savings!

Give others the tax break they deserve. Provide a service where practitioners are scarce and the results are valuable.

Property Tax Consultant Residential & Commercial Courses
Fast-Track Business Implementation Plan

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Property Tax Consulting Course


100% Iron Clad 56 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Property Tax Consultant BusinessIf within 56 days, you review the entire Property Tax Consultant package, and you feel this does not do all that we said it would do for you and more, simply contact us and we will process your refund. It's that simple.  That’s right, if you think the Property Tax Consultant package does not live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent!  Send us an email and we’ll refund your purchase…

Once one has a client the next step is to find comparable properties with a similar footprint that sold recently. The best and fastest and free place for that is through the  Multiple Listing Service SOLD directory from a local real estate agency. Their computer will spit out 10 or more comparable properties. Then cherry pick the best 3. Online, in most towns, one can access the property record cards getting exact recorded details (where one might find recorded facts to be in error). Then it's just putting gathered information together to make your case.

Then there is  ,   ,  to help you see what has sold in an area which is free. Subscribing to the MLS costs $49 a month but you must be affiliated with a real estate broker or certified appraiser. however, visiting one of the local real estate agents when they are not busy is most beneficial and it's free. MLS information is eye witnessed, more thorough in highlighting the best selling features of a sold property. Featured items that are better than your clients property result in having eyewitness facts to adjust for.

     Your first Guarantee: You have TWO full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and, if for any reason or even no reason, you want a full refund, just return everything and you'll get your money back immediately. NO questions asked. You do not need a 'my dog ate my homework story'. No one will ask you any questions at all. No hassle. No 'fine print'. Simple and straightforward; you are thrilled with what you get or you get a full refund. I'm devoted to the goal of only having satisfied customers. If you're not going to profit from having my System, I really would prefer to buy it back.

     My sole purpose in offering this course is for bringing social justice to those over-assessed. To correct wrongs. Many tax assessors view their job as preserving the tax base and are not pro-active in helping over-assessed victims. The fact is that over-assessment errors are excessive and need to be addressed. Assessment bureaucrats need to be shown the facts and if they turn a blind eye, there are two more avenues of appeal: The Municipal Appeal and the State Appeal. We need activists who will stand up against the bureaucrats and with the right evidence, you will win.

      I want you to put hundreds of thousands of dollars into your bank account in the course of the next ten or twenty years with this professional Property Tax Consulting Home Consulting Course.

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FREE Tax Consulting E-Book Overview Explains:

Small Business Consultancy
How a Low Entry Cost Property Tax Appeal Business Works and why it does not require a special licence (except in Texas) and how skills can be quickly learned.
Consulting Business
How To Set Your Own Fees and see what Contingency Fees can be charged clients. Find out how Appealing Commercial and Industrial Properties can bring in extra hefty contingency fees.
See Simple ways To Generate Clients and where to obtain and get Free Comparable Sales Information.
Learn About the "Earn as Your LEARN" approach beginning with your first client's Property Tax Appeal. See how to become and Expert quickly.

Explains how using as well as provides the Right Forms and Marketing Tools making sign ups easy and the process almost Formulaic.

Why you will NEVER Lack For Business. Virtually learn how to uncover huge numbers of potential clients needing Property Tax-relief Advice as you service them as a Property Tax Consultant. (Most property owners who have a case don't know the probability unless someone shines a light on it.) See how that kind of marketing Is done.

Scan the FREE E-Book. The E-Book covers both residential and the commercial side of property tax appeals. You'll learn about the ins and outs of this little known work from home consulting business practice. It is one of the top work from home business ideas worth exploring. This is a service that many homeowners and businesses desperately need.

It can be extremely lucrative to engage in all types of appeals, both residential and commercial property tax appeals.

Details on Everything: Errors within the assessment system offer an opportunity to put a significant amount of dollars back into your clients wallet. You help aid the real estate taxpayer's bottom line.

Without further ado, the ingredients needed to prepare successful residential property tax appeals & many types of commercial property tax appeals and how to market this kind business are explained. Nothing held back. Or, if you're ready to Gain Access To The Complete Course: Click: Property Tax Consulting Course

For a limited time, we are offering this free report. Since this could be something you might be interested in discovering and looking into further ... click below to get a deeper look into the Property Tax Consulting Business.

Property Tax Consulting 100% FREE Business Plan E-Book
Get the FREE Download to see what some average appeal reduction ranges are and an overview of this kind of business opportunity.


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Give others the tax break they deserve and discover a service that where practitioners are scarce.

<-- An over-assessed property taxpayer who did not appeal his property tax ... years down the road!

The difference someone with property tax consultant training could make for others is astonishing!!


Why Become A Property Tax Consultant? First off, you'll never lack for business - there are numerous incorrectly assessed properties and too much for anyone to handle.

Millions of property owners need this service. Estimates for incorrectly assessed properties range from 40% to 60% often due to sloppy government guided assessment procedures or just rolling over previous assessments.

It's not very complicated to learn and can be worked as a work from home business. Fifth grade math (addition, subtraction, a little multiplying and division), sixth grade English skills. The logic speaks for itself.

With a large number of homes and businesses having glaring property assessment errors, honing in on good candidates for high-percentage, high dollar amount wins is not difficult.

Property Tax Consulting

Property Tax Consulting Course
100% GUARANTEED To Work!

Click Below for FREE Overview eBook.

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Who Should Take a Property Tax Appeal Course?

This course can be beneficial for a variety of individuals, including:

Benefits of Enrolling in a Property Tax Appeal Course

A property tax appeal course offers numerous advantages, particularly in today's high-property-tax environment. Here are some key benefits:

Potential for Significant Savings

Even a small reduction in property tax assessments can result in hundreds or even thousands of dollars saved each year. Knowing how to evaluate and appeal assessments enables you to reduce your property taxes effectively. By not knowing the true market value and assessment, many property owners are flushing money down the sewer. Unravel that suspicion and see if you might have a property tax appeal case (The National Taxpayers Union is credited as saying that as much as 60% of all property in America are over assessed).  

Gain Marketable Skills

For real estate and financial professionals, this course provides a valuable skill set. Property tax appeal skills are increasingly in demand, making it a great way to enhance your services or begin consulting.

Empowerment and Confidence

Understanding the tax appeal process empowers property owners and professionals to navigate property taxes with confidence, saving money and ensuring fairness in property assessments.

Course Curriculum: What Will You Learn?

Our property tax appeal course covers several crucial areas. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect to learn:

Property Tax Fundamentals

An overview of how property taxes are calculated, how assessments work, and the legal framework for property taxes in different states.

Identifying Assessment Errors

Participants learn to identify common errors in property assessments, such as incorrect square footage, market misinterpretations, or missed exemptions. These errors can lead to inflated assessments and higher taxes.

Preparing Evidence for Appeal

A key part of the course is learning how to gather data and present it persuasively to the local tax authority. This includes using comparable property data, sales histories, and official documents.

Filing an Appeal

Learn the mechanics of filing an appeal, including submission deadlines, required forms, and documentation standards. You'll gain insight into how to interact with tax assessors and present your case effectively.

Navigating Appeal Hearings

In some cases, appeals require a hearing before a local board or tax authority. The course provides guidance on representing yourself or a client confidently in these settings, including tips for handling challenging questions and negotiating adjustments.

Types of Property Tax Appeal Courses Available

There are a variety of property tax appeal courses available, each suited to different needs:

Online Self-Paced Courses

Online courses are ideal for individuals who need flexibility. These courses provide lessons, reading materials, and interactive modules that you can complete at your own pace. All pre-written limitied power of attorney forms to represent the client, customer contracts, pre-written forms and communications letter are provided in the course. Marketing advice, tactics and methods to gain clients in both the residential and business community are part of the training.

How to Choose the Right Property Tax Appeal Course

When selecting a property tax appeal course , consider the following factors to ensure it meets your needs:

•  Reputation : Look for courses offered by reputable providers with positive reviews and industry recognition.

•  Content Quality : Ensure the course covers all aspects of property tax appeals, from valuation techniques to legal frameworks.

•  Instructor Expertise : The instructors are experienced in property assessment and tax law.

•  Course Format : Go at your own pace. If you know 5th grade math, you'll have all you need to become and expert.

•  Cost and Value : Compare costs and consider the long-term value the course provides in terms of potential savings or added skills.

Starting a Career with a Property Tax Appeal Course

A property tax appeal course can be an excellent starting point for a career as a property tax consultant. With growing demand for tax savings, many professionals find success helping clients navigate the complexities of property taxes. Here's how a course can lead to a promising career:

•  Learn Marketable Skills : Build knowledge in tax law, valuation, and appeal processes that you can offer as a professional service.

•  Gain Credibility : Completing a recognized course adds credibility and shows clients you have the expertise needed to represent them.

•  Network with Industry Professionals : Many networking opportunities, connecting with industry professionals can become valuable resources.

•  Explore Business Opportunities : A successful property tax appeal business can generate steady income, particularly in high-tax areas where demand for tax appeal services is high.

Final Thoughts on the Property Tax Appeal Course

Investing in a property tax appeal course provides valuable knowledge for anyone looking to lower property taxes or pursue a career in property tax consulting. With the skills learned in these courses, homeowners can confidently challenge inaccurate assessments, and real estate professionals can offer additional services to clients. By understanding the tax assessment process, learning to identify discrepancies, and mastering the appeal process, participants can unlock significant savings while gaining a marketable skill set.


RISK STATEMENT: I have not heard or seen any property taxes raised because of an unsuccessful appeal, however that does not preclude that possibility.

The chance of winning a property tax appeal using proven adjustment techniques, evidence and standard adjustment parameters drastically improve winning that appeal. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee of a win.

The tax assessor has the power to reduce your or your client's property tax based on the evidence presented. One can reschedule meetings with the assessor as necessary in order to prove your adjustments for a lower tax. If the tax assessor doesn't reduce the tax, the next avenue of appeal is to the Municipal Court of Appeals. If that fails, the final avenue of appeal is the State Tax Court which likely meets at the county level.

If your evidence is good, and makes sense, you should win your case every time.

LEGAL: While it has been proven by many of our customers that you can generate income very quickly with this information,
please understand that what you are buying is in fact INFORMATION and not a promise of riches or financial gain.
What you do with this information is up to you.


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Note: As far as known, the state of Texas is the only state in the union where a license is required to engage in property tax consulting. See Texas Department Licensing Regulation

Work From Home Businesses - Start Your Home Base Business ... Online Tax Course: Property Tax Consulting Home Business Package

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